緑の館バラ図鑑トップ 国内最大規模 5000品種以上 ページ検索 バラの育て方 よみもの ご利用の手引 お問い合わせ ガーデン図鑑 English site Japanese site
 バラを探す → 名前 / 系統別 / 作出国 / 作出年 / 花色 / 花形 / 香り / イメージ / 受賞 / ブランド / 育て方 / 仕立て方 / 咲く時期 / 特徴 / 育成環境 / 樹高 / 樹形 / 花サイズ / お誕生年のバラ探し / 名前の由来 / バラ比較 new!! / スマホ版サイト new!! / クレマチス図鑑 new!!


■ バラ情報をキイワードで簡単に探す
 2つ以上の単語からできている名前のバラは、「・」を使ってください。例: 「ラ・フランス」

■ 条件を指定して絞り込んで探す 


■ 検索のヒント



>>> 他にこんなキイワードでも検索されています。
メインキイワードSorted ascending, can be sorted descending検索条件Can be sorted ascending or descending検索日Can be sorted ascending or descending品種件数Can be sorted ascending or descending読み物件数Can be sorted ascending or descending
Show details for 0.0.
Show details for 0.3m0.3m
Show details for 0.40.4
Show details for 0.50.5
Show details for 0.5m0.5m
Show details for 0.60.6
Show details for 0.70.7
Show details for 0.80.8
Show details for 0.8m0.8m
Show details for 0.8四季咲き0.8四季咲き
Show details for 0.9m0.9m
Show details for 1000円1000円
Show details for 1414
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Show details for 1867年以前1867年以前
Show details for 1906年1906年
Show details for 19511951
Show details for 1953年バラ1953年バラ
Show details for 1953年度andpink1953年度andpink
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Show details for 19701970
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Show details for 1m1m
Show details for 1m以下1m以下
Show details for 1m未満1m未満
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Show details for 1.0m1.0m
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Show details for 20149KF4VW20149KF4VW
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Show details for 2018-192018-19
Show details for 230230
Show details for 25弁25弁
Show details for 2重咲き2重咲き
Show details for 2世2世
Show details for 4Vents4Vents
Show details for 7月に実がつく7月に実がつく
Show details for 8282
Show details for 9898
Show details for 9999
Show details for aalsmeeraalsmeer
Show details for AARSAARS
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Show details for AbracadabraAbracadabra
Show details for AbrahamAbraham
Show details for ADRADR
Show details for ADR受賞ADR受賞
Show details for AdélaideAdélaide
Show details for aikuaiku
Show details for akoyaakoya
Show details for AlfredAlfred
Show details for alisaalisa
Show details for AmberlightAmberlight
Show details for AmbridgeAmbridge
Show details for AmethysteAmethyste
Show details for amnestyamnesty
Show details for AndréAndré
Show details for angelaangela
Show details for ANJERAANJERA
Show details for AnnAnn
Show details for AnnapurnaAnnapurna
Show details for AntiqueAntique
Show details for aoiaoi
Show details for AozoraAozora
Show details for AstridAstrid
Show details for AugustaAugusta
Show details for AUSAUS
Show details for AUSbathAUSbath
Show details for AusblushAusblush
Show details for AusbordAusbord
Show details for AUScentAUScent
Show details for AUSdimindoAUSdimindo
Show details for AusgoldAusgold
Show details for AUSjessAUSjess
Show details for AUSlevelAUSlevel
Show details for AusmasAusmas
Show details for AUSmitAUSmit
Show details for AuspolyAuspoly
Show details for AusportAusport
Show details for ausprimaausprima
Show details for AussalAussal
Show details for AuswalkerAuswalker
Show details for AuswithAuswith
Show details for babybaby
Show details for BabyFauraxBabyFaurax
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Show details for BergmanBergman
Show details for BernadetteBernadette
Show details for BESSBESS
Show details for BettyBetty
Show details for BeverlyBeverly
Show details for bewitchedbewitched
Show details for BlackBlack
Show details for BlancBlanc
Show details for BlancheBlanche
Show details for BLAZEBLAZE
Show details for BlueBlue
Show details for bolerobolero
Show details for boreroborero
Show details for boronneboronne
Show details for bouquetbouquet
Show details for bulebule
Show details for BurgundyBurgundy
Show details for Burgund'81Burgund'81
Show details for ButterflyButterfly
Show details for bベビーロマンティカbベビーロマンティカ
Show details for CanaryCanary
Show details for CaramelCaramel
Show details for CaramelAntikeCaramelAntike
Show details for CarinaCarina
Show details for CarolaCarola
Show details for CasionCasion
Show details for CatarinaCatarina
Show details for CecilCecil
Show details for ChameleonChameleon
Show details for ChampagneChampagne
Show details for CharlesCharles
Show details for CharlotteCharlotte
Show details for charmingcharming
Show details for ChaucerChaucer
Show details for ChaïmChaïm
Show details for cherylcheryl
Show details for chincodemayochincodemayo
Show details for ChristianChristian
Show details for ChristianaChristiana
Show details for ChryslerChrysler
Show details for CHルイフィリップCHルイフィリップ
Show details for CincoCinco
Show details for CincoDeMayoCincoDeMayo
Show details for CircusCircus
Show details for CLCL
Show details for CL つるバラCL つるバラ
Show details for clminclmin
Show details for CLジュリアCLジュリア
Show details for cocktailcocktail
Show details for CocoCoco
Show details for comtessecomtesse
Show details for ConstanceConstance
Show details for CosCos
Show details for CoutureCouture
Show details for CreamyCreamy
Show details for crimcrim
Show details for CrimsonCrimson
Show details for CrownCrown
Show details for cumbayacumbaya
Show details for DD
Show details for DaintyDainty
Show details for daitimaodaitimao
Show details for DameDame
Show details for DAVIDDAVID
Show details for davidaustindavidaustin
Show details for DayDreamDayDream
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Show details for DearestDearest
Show details for DElegoDElego
Show details for deraitoderaito
Show details for DesprezDesprez
Show details for DevoniensisDevoniensis
Show details for DiablesseDiablesse

バラの育て方 / バラ比較 / バラを探す → 名前 / 系統別 / 作出国 / 作出年 / 花色 / 花形 / 香り / イメージ / 受賞 / ブランド / 育て方/ 仕立て方 / 咲く時期 / 特徴 / 育成環境 / 樹高 / 樹形 / お誕生年のバラ探し / 名前の由来

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